With the awful financials Truth Social has, the only value the stock has is Trump winning in November. If Trump wins, you have a world leader in...
American Jews aren't a single bloc when it comes to politics. The more orthodox sects are more aligned with Netanyahu and more likely to be Trump...
I suggest "In the sewers," which references the NY myth that there are alligators down there.
So 95% of the countries of the world saw highest inflation in 40 years in 2022, but Trump would've magically protected us from this massive,...
Most things come into focus with logic and knowledge. In average, we detain at minimum 1/3 of illegal border crossers. And depending on time of...
Rasmussen had Trump +3 in Arizona late Oct. They only missed by 3.4%. And that was one of their more accurate calls in swing states if I recall....
Two questions. When have we ever had a secure Southern border? And two, how many terrorists attacks have been successfully carried out by people...
Mexicans and other Hispanics are a mixture of Native Americans and mostly Spanish. Isn't Spain a part of Europe? And in places like Arizona, which...
Trying to read the tea leaves in Arizona, and current 538 polls have Trump .5%. But it's 47.5% to 47%, leaving 5.5% undecided. This might be...
Go ahead and compare Hillary to Hitler. But as she ever quoted from Mein Kamph like Trump has when he said immigrants were "poisoning the blood"...
Trump was a horrible President. Inflation grew by 36% under his first watch. And that was with COVID, which kept demand and prices low his last...
Arizona has been a deep red state for years. Think Barry Goldwater. Before Biden won in 2020 in Arizona, the only D that has won a POTUS election...
One mention of "peaceful." 22 mentions of "fight" or "fighting."
Harris +6 with a 3% MOR equates to a Harris win. It would mean, at worst, Harris is +3 nationally, well above the needed +2 to win the both the...
There are winners and losers in all economies. Persons who make poor choices, or others who make what they believe to be good choices only to find...
Time only goes in one direction. The simple question today is, who has more purchasing power? The average worker in 2021 or same person today?...
While prices have been going up, so have wages. And the numbers for August was 2.5% inflation and 4 3% wage increase on average. Things are more...
It's not just POTUS and VPOTUS. It's the entire administration. Biden has been relatively free of turnover and has a competent cabinet. Compare...
Boomtown issues. They are difficult problems to solve, but much better than the opposite, which places like Springfield has been dealing with for...
I finding it truly hilarious that people disagree with the figures that were posted. Figures don't lie, but liars figure. The numbers are the...