And if it was simple human error, and zero persons were disenfranchised, well you then quit the whining? Because again, zero were disenfranchised....
So, no excuse as to why Republicans couldn't find a single person claiming to be disenfranchised, even after the election was over? Care to try...
And you know how many came forward in the days after election day to day they were disenfranchised? Again, ZERO! What stopped anyone from coming...
The Republicans tried to find people who were disenfranchised for their lawsuit. Again, they found a grand total of zero. Not one person came...
Maricopa County had issues with tabulation machines in 2022. This effected early return counting, not vote totals. From this link: “This court...
The MAGA cult members won't believe the numbers. They only listen to their orange deity. But swing voters will likely be influenced. Crime down,...
Maricopa County (Phoenix) didn't run out of ballots. Pinal County (Casa Grande) did. And that was in 2022, not 2020. It was a printer error....
The 2024 Arizona polls look eerily similar to the 2020 polls at this time. Just replace Harris with Biden. Most polls had Trump between +3 and +5,...
Heck, most people I work with probably don't know I'm Jewish, let alone whom I'm voting for. And for my family, I honestly can't think of anyone...
There have been efforts to fix immigration other than Trump's draconian attempts. 2007 and again in 2013 a bipartisan committee met, and both came...
Your premise is false. Labor is not a zero sum game. The more people working in a community, the more jobs are created. And in general, while the...
Haiti is less than half the size of West Virginia. Where are they supposed to go to escape the poverty? And how are legal immigrants invaders?
Do you still live in the same area of W. Virginia? Or, did you move to an area where there are more economic opportunities? If you moved, then you...
Still waiting on ET's explanation of Trump's magic anti inflation wand! Because from where I sit, there can only be two possible explanations....
Still avoiding the question why there were more crossings in 2019 versus 17 and 18? Is it because if you answer it, you admit Trump solved nothing...
Did you see the chart posted above? Please point out any time frame when there wasn't a problem! And please address how you can say Trump "fixed"...
Still not explaining why if Trump secured the border his first term, there were more crossings in 2019, his third year as President than the prior...
Already solved? Please explain how there were more crossings in 2019 than 2017 and 2018, three years into Trump's administration? Does this look...
To date, zero successful terror attacks from persons who crossed into the US illegally from Mexico. Only two ever arrests from this group. And...
Yeah! Where's the Hannibal Lector mentions? Boat batteries versus shark discussion? The rant against windows and not one immigrant eating pet...