Trump doesn't care about any of this. Neither does Elon. But their tax cuts are on the way!
When he said "Grab 'em by the ****y," he was just "speaking symbolically" ?
What does, you believing fake news?
Thank you. I'll use that on occasion.
Now imagine a country represented by Donald Trump.
He'll make a lot of $$ on his conflict-of-interest anti-vax lawsuits, which will make the public less healthy.
Sig can't be political. So "Yeah, but didn't you vote for a rapist?" is no-go. #SadInside
Cute. Elmo and Don are so cute.
This. Can anyone even imagine the illegality from Trump and his *political party* that we should now expect to see regarding federal elections?...
Feelin' you bro. Only so many anti-vax posts a man can take.
You've talked about me or responded to me at least 3 times in this thread ...... for no reason apparent to me whatsoever. In fact, you were so...
Even having this discussion with these dishonest people degrades all of us and our country. Because sure - the criminal whose entire career...
Yawn. my yawns are about your posts that I think are about as intellectually stimulating and well-written as GIFs. Im sorry you're so apathetic,...
Yup. We have a guy in the WH who is the only president in US history to try and not peacefully transfer power, and who tried to overturn an...
At this point, a vote for any Republican is a vote for Trump. This has been known for years. All we had to do is watch him commit un-American...
Lol. Clinton. On this thread. Hilarious. You Trump people crack me up, even the ones who claim not to support him, but support the people and...
I can see how this would bother you deeply. You're a tremendous advocate of speaking truth and "backing up claims. " Also; [ATTACH]
I don't listen to pretend concern for America, or the rule of law, from any hypocrite who voted for and shills for the only sitting President in...
Uh, OK. Good one.