Man on 2B / 1 out Peralta singles thru left gap
Bases loaded / 1 out B/Ft - Marsh doubles down right line. 3 in.
Bases loaded / 1 out B/B/B/B - Smith walks. 1 in.
Men on 1B & 2B / 1 out B/F - Gonzalez singles to shallow left
Men on 1B & 2B / 0 outs Kc/F/Ks - Ogden goes down swinging
Man on 1B / 0 outs B - Galvin singles thru right gap
Top of the 8th #17 So LHP Gomberg on the bump (no record) B/Kc/B - Puig singles thru left gap
No one on / 2 outs Boser grounds out to P 0/0/0/0 Canes 9-4
No one on / 1 out Kc - Yost pops out to right
Bottom of the 7th Ks/Ks - Evans flies out to right
Man on 2B / 2 outs B/Kc - Torres grounds out to 2B 0/1/0/1 Canes 9-4
Man on 1B / 1 out B - Hudson tagged out by P
No one on / 1 out B/Kc/K/B - Gonzalez singles thru right gap
Attendance today 7,368 Top of the 7th #22 Fr RHP Barberi on the bump (0.00, 0-0, 4.1 IP) F/F - Marsh flies out to center
No one on / 2 outs Heyman flies out to right 0/0/0/0 Canes 9-4
No one on / 1 out B/B/Ks/Ks/F/B/Kc - Cyr goes down looking
Bottom of the 6th Kc/B/B/F/Ks - Stripling goes down swinging
Man on 2B / 2 outs B/F - Smith lines out to 1B 2/2/1/1 Canes 9-4
Man on 1B / 1 out Ks -Gonzalez grounds out to short
Man on 2B / 1 out F/Ks/B/B/F/F/F/F/B - Ogden singles to shallow center. 1 in.