This is pure BS! Read the Law! Posted again…
Do not worry. If the story is correct. Lawyers will win the med mal case easy. Terrible story if true. But no excuse to kill the most...
Oof the same case I think it is. The doctor clearly never felt there was a medical emergency. If they did they had full reign to provide care as...
I am pretty sure this is the old case brought up by the kill for convenience crowd on too hot. The doctor from what we know clearly never felt...
Stop peddling nonsense to act like the Texas AG would overstep the law. If he ever does. He should be thrown out of office. Until then. This...
Not zealous at all. Just providing facts you can’t refute. The law is clear. And nothing in it stopped the doctors from treating the mother....
I figured you knew your argument was made up and you just want to legally allow the killing of the most innocent.
The law in Texas is not hard to read or understand. It is only an issue for those that want to legally kill the most innocent for convenience....
I posted you the law. The fact is the law had nothing to do with this terrible case. Read the law. Blame the doctors assuming it is true they...
You honestly don’t think their were any med mal cases in Texas before the Texas Law that has nothing to do with this mothers tragic death?
You just want to allow the legal killing of the most innocent for convenience. At least that is clear if you want to use this case as an example...
Pure Stupidity… But when you want to legally allow the killing of the most innocent. Sadly fits. Read the Law!
Nothing to do with the law for sure. Med mal is a real thing.
Stop lying! Read the law. I posted it a few posts ago and provided you the section. The doctors did not even need to check for a heartbeat....
Read the law. Section 171.205 provided every bit of protection a doctor needed to treat this mother. This was malpractice in treatment and has...
Read the law!!!! 171.205 defines the doctors did not even need to check for a heartbeat if it was a medical emergency. Sepsis is absolutely a...
This is factual BS! You literally just want to legally kill babies I guess. Disgusting you would post something so wrong to support the legal...
You are spot on this is not about abortion! The Texas Law on abortion has nothing to do treating a patient that has sepsis. Nothing!
The law is fine and good. Now your second point about doctors doing their job is spot on. Nothing in the law would confuse a doctor about...
This is pure conjecture with no factual basis. Stop making stuff up in your head. There is nothing in the law that prevented doctors from...