Was sporting my “Florida Sucks”…”Your State is Great” shirt today! No better place on Earth!
The irony…
Mic Drop…
100 The left here has no shame.
Really enjoyed the Washington has a dream skits… [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] They did a really good job with this one imo lol…
That mail in for no reason for the infamous pandemic likely has a much bigger reason for why 4 years ago a candidate that was already showing...
Have to. That said…I have no confidence in the results. Regardless of who wins.
Read the law! Blame the doctors if what is reported is true. I sadly don’t think you care though. You just want to legally allow the killing...
As noted with no response because the argument was BS…this has nothing to do with Texas abortion law. Sadly based on what we know. The doctors...
You are the one incapable of reading and analyzing. The law is clear. It says the opposite of what you want it to. Because you want to legally...
I hope they listen to you. As their bias against me has them unwilling to understand basic medicine and reading (the law is clear).
There is absolutely nothing in the Texas abortion law that has prevented any woman from receiving proper healthcare. Literally nothing. A doctor...
Read the law!
Pure BS conjecture. The law is clear. A doctor does not need to even know if there is a heartbeat to treat the mother in a medical emergency....
Sadly the doctors and hospital will pay for malpractice if the stories being reported are accurate. The law is clear and explicit. Stop making...