And some thanks to Hugh Hathcock, by the look of things! Go Gators.
This is great news, and congratulations to these young men.
Wasn't Kadarious Toney an aspiring rapper?
That makes sense. He seemed to go down very easily. Would have loved to have seen him truck Rattler!
That kind of answers some questions, doesn’t it.
I’m very curious myself. Either way, as a Virginia alum this hits hard.
Without it, we wouldn’t have had the three timeouts. . . So . . .
Man, Florida football is fun again!
Oooohhhhhh mmmmyyyyyyy!!!!
Very solid tackling. Love it!
Blessed to live in the country I served, and blessed to have served the country I live in. Still great after all these years (despite its warts...
Well, this is a fascinating development to wake up to. Maybe I’ll take a nap and see if Cormani is in the fold by the time I rise?
Not sure what lesson this teaches or how it fits in this thread’s debate - but high 5-star Alabama pedigreed OT Alex Leatherwood was just cut by...
I enjoy seeing you post on this board. I wish you all the best and a speedy, complete recovery.
Wait, I thought Mullen was going to take that job?
Apparently not too successfully, though LOL. Maybe that can change this go-'round. But according to the article, we haven't even offered him.
Dare I say it - "and To'o To'o too?"
This is the significant point in all this. If we're looking for immediate help, i.e. the 2021 season, then we'd have to target guys who would be...
Yeah, got away with that for sure. Though it's rarely called, so might as well keep doing it.