Yeah? What could you judge from the spring game when Lawrence Wright and Travis McGriff were catching TD' the 2018 spring game? What,...
Gotta be related to Tamarick Vanover, right? Yes, but I have no idea what this has to do with my comment about Levis?
None of that surprises me. Bizarre? Yeah, it's the same dude who puts mayonnaise in his coffee and eats bananas without peeling them. He ain't...
Have you watched Wisconsin's offense....ever? They make Addazio's dive-dive-sack-punt offense look innovative and sophisticated. When your...
Levis at 3rd overall? Yikes. I think Hendon Hooker will be a steal, wherever he ends up getting picked. Most projections have him in the 2nd...
AR played "poorly" compared to the expectations we had for him. It's all relative. Nobody on here thinks he played like Treon Harris or Skyler...
Hey @Gatorborn in case you missed it......
First it was this..... Now it's this.....
I'm not assuming anything, and it's not my scenario. I'm just playing your game, and now you're moving goalposts. First it was all about simple...
OK, we'll throw out all the variables, let's dumb it down and play your game..... Richardson had 17 pass TD, 9 rush TD, total of 26. Mertz had 19...
I'm not repeating myself again, but go back and read my comments over the last couple of pages, then read them a second time just for good...
Numbers can be very useful when proper context is applied. None of the stuff you said about Mertz needing to do this, that, or the other made any...
The answer is right there in the comment you're responding to. "Much quicker" ^ this It's like calling someone to come flush the toilet for...
Agreed. I'm glad to see you are capable of understanding context instead of just throwing around numbers like it's fantasy football.
Napier and the staff obviously see something in Mertz. They do what good coaches do; they identify talent, recognize certain traits, and see...
No, they aren't good points, because those "points" were completely irrelevant in our discussion. Not really. As good as AR's rushing numbers...
^ fixed
OK, cool. What's your point? I think some of you have a lot of trouble following along with the actual points being discussed.
Did you watch the games, or the box scores? AR missed a ton of throws, period.
Like I said, there are too many variables. Different teams, different offenses, different coaches, different situations. You can't plug and play...