Trump inherited a crap economy. There's a saying in the game of chess: "In bad positions there are only bad moves." The US economy ia on an...
Was he the guy who was flying? Probably not but he deserves responsibility for the crash if he was training the female who allegedly flew into the...
I actually was trying to debunk the rumor that a m a le to female transgender was the pilot. I had 2 sources that said Sndrew Eaves was the pilot...
Russia entered Ukraine legally under Article 51 of the UN Charter (assuming you think Clinton's bombing of Belgrade was legal, which was justified...
I agree with that. I'd just say that you aren't going to find as many really good female combat pilots as males. Women are more risk averse. Same...
Men > Women Better at spatial cognition and mechanical reasoning Men’s Advantages in Spatial Cognition & Mechanical Reasoning Better at...
Thanks. I would presume that men are better pilots given their superior spatial abilities. Women might have better safety records because the...
Seems like the Air Traffic Controllers should be privatized but not unionized if possible. The AFC system is antiquated and utilizes floppy...
ile there other causes the crew of the The pilot was Andrew Eaves.
Looks like the JFK files won't be released for a while: The executive order demands that the attorney general and director of national...
Great info, thanks. Do you think they'll be renaming the LBJ Freeway in the Dallas-Fort Worth area anytime soon?
DEI needs to be addressed whether it had anything to do with this accident or not. [MEDIA]
Right now I would guess cockpit error enhanced by difficult to understand air traffic controllers instructions. Nobody's perfect. Tiger Woods has...
It's hard to see how a large number of people could be in on a presidential assassination and keep their mouths shut for long. Some might have...
Congress will do something about this: [MEDIA]
Good an explanation as I've seen: [MEDIA]
This is an interesting audiotape. [MEDIA]
Fair enough. We'll find out in a few days.
The video in the OP is much more about what Roger Stone thinks than what AJ thinks. With AJ you have to pick and choose. Yes he sounds like a nut...
Thanks for the history lesson. As for whether there will be a smoking gun I'd guess yes. Roger Stone is a Trump insider and he says Trump didn't...