Both shooters identified as Democrat supporters. One might have worked with the CIA-spinsored SBU (Ukraine)
Are you saying Cali and Europe are better places to live today than they were in 1985, thanks to the benefits of importing diverse peoples who...
Fauci escaped justice. He should be behind bars.Yes he should be compelled to testify. His pension should be taken away. Not sure if civil suits...
The Dilbert guy [MEDIA]
Trump sided with free speech. Millionss of teen girls were sad/crying/disappointed in the Tik Tok ban. Now they love Trump. One day they'll help...
He identified as a Democrat and donated to them
As some of us predicted well in advance Biden would pardon his entire crime family. The mafia helped Biden get elected in 1972 and he corruptly...
The Deep State wanted the J6ers to enter the Capitol. The J6ers got the most biased juries and g4and juries in the US. Zero were tried in their...
What felony do you think Trump committed?
Rubio has switched from being a neocon warmonger to being more of a MAGA war skeptic. He sees which way the wind is blowing and he wants to get...
As predicted Biden pardoned not just Hunter, he pardoned the whole crime family. [MEDIA]
Perfect [MEDIA]
If they didn't have double standards... [MEDIA]