Don't let the EEOC know this. Just sayin.,.
Holy crap! Stephen Smith not wanting him, makes me want him 1000 x more!
This is who was with Charley in Texas?
Until he proves otherwise, I'll trust SS doesn't allow this and it is just chatter.
I like this scenario, a man needs a back up plan.
Nope, can't say I miss him at all.
No one can state this better.
Did you mean he is a good DC on his own, but a great DC when he is Co-DC with Greg Mattison?
Finally, somebody gets it. Problems with defense is Shannon's recruiting. Everybody talks about his recruiting, and yet not one big time recruit...
This really makes no sense at all. If he told Striclin he was interested when they were vetting Frost, then this is the farthest from the truth as...
Yep, me too....
775! This is getting good!
You too, Skink.
I mentioned earlier in this thread some of those Cecil threads. They were epic!
BTW Operation Christmas Child is awesome!
Plus you are being pimped out.
Dang I missed 600. I suck!
We couldn't tell. Just kidding:)
We can all wish they hire Mullen.