Never a doubt! Ricky poured that last putt in!
It sounds to me like you didn’t take the 1st marshmallow but decided to wait. :cool:
Sage advice. Visiting these schools may trigger bigger schools to take a look.
Surely you knew beating a dead horse was our specialty. :cool:
No, no, no, I didn't say grads. I said fans.....:cool:
Most older fsu fans still don't like him. He made fun of them.......
Actually we had a QB that ran the scout team for us when Meyer was here, can't remember his name. Meyer gave this kid big props for running their...
Where is the Smart/White option.....:cool:
In this case, less clicks and keystrokes.
Wonderful news!
The White Shadow was the Basketball coach TV show.
Bob Hope was terrible at growl.
Heard on the radio today he is 18% accurate. Sounds a lot like the weather crew here in Tally.
A word of advice JR, proofreading is your friend...:cool:
You are correct, no athletic scholarships in the Ivy Leagues.
Well, it is recruiting season until Wednesday. :cool:
What happened to Leftwich?
There are as many people on this board that don't think he goes before the 3rd round as think he goes early.
You do know that CD's are digital, right?
He was an ace recruiter compared to Hevesy.