And then there was two... Go Gators
these are great matchups Go Gators
Their OC is the real deal. We need to steal him. They said he was asked by Saban to go to Bamer. Good Coaching. But I think Sarkisian is sitting...
I love the Dr. Pepper commercials. "That's the transfer portal, it's out of control!" Truer words have never been spoken. Great games today. Go...
After careful review, the teams that played today; Mich, Bama, Wash, Texas, appear to have better defenses, better offenses and for the most part,...
Whelp, now that we got that settled... Go Washington! Go Gators.
Rat farts! It was not meant to be, apparently. As mentioned, a couple of questionable play calls on the Alabama side. I wanted Bamer to beat the...
Let's make sure we do give credit to the kids that actually care. The scenario right now as we've all commented on is not ideal. It blows, but I...
New slate. New year. New possibilities. Naaaaahhh. Drink heavily, debauchery rules. Just tonight, though. Drink light throughout the year, save...
Opinion Piece And so I digress... The system reeks of the old days when entitled kids (made worse by poor regulation) would all get flown around...
Good Lord. Talk about getting spanked... It's unfortunate someone has to win in this matchup. Go Gators.
Georgia's first team could have opted out for this matchup... I smell a half a hungee...doh Go Gators.
Geeze. Thought Aubren was supposed to be good. Maybe we can get some guys that defect. Ha! Go Gators.
My love for football will never die, but I don't;'t have much love of the way the current system works- it is really quite disturbing. 15 tutors...
Whelp, the defenses seem decent, the offenses for both teams are abysmal. This really had the makings of a great game; on paper. :rolleyes: One...
Blessings and good cheer to our Gator family, our own families and all other folks that frequent this site. May the coming year bring prosperity,...
Merry Christmas, Ray! May Santa bring you good health and a winning season in 2024. Best of health and prosperity to our Gator family, respected...
Man, wouldn't that be sweet, getting an OC? Then Napier could focus on everything else. Napier can do his life changing, nice-guy turn them boys...
I was up in Mammoth skiing for a few days and trying to keep up with the signing. Then I finally talked with a Gator buddy and he said we dropped...
FWIW- New Mexico State @ Fresno State-FRESNO UCLA @ Boise State-UCLA California @ Texas Tech-TT Georgia Tech @ UCF-GT Arkansas State @ Northern...