Using the word “convenience” in respect to abortion is incredibly condescending and trivializes someone’s very personal situation. It is very easy...
In your estimation, what number would be acceptable? In your discussion of data points you haven’t addressed the actual issue. Remember, we had a...
It would also help to remember that most rapes go unreported, so perhaps that number was simply extrapolated.
Seems like your conscience has been a bit pricked. NO ONE should have to carry a rapists baby to term. FULL STOP
There are some estimates that the number nationwide is close to 64K
Pretty sure that sex/reproduction is not in his wheelhouse.
They’re just women, so…. Edit to add: number of “rape” babies in Texas after abortion ban Texas had over 26K rape-related pregnancies in 16...
You could apply that same rationale to gay marriage and abortion. No one is “forcing” anyone to participate in a gay marriage or forcing someone...
Much more important to mind someone else’s business to demonstrate their moral superiority.
Probably happy under the bridge together
You’re not
Those crazy liberals at the World Bank World Bank boosts forecast: Strength of US economy will support global growth of 2.6% this year
Not a bad thing at all. Don’t assume that they meet the academic standards, tho
And their athletic programs
Exactly. My oldest daughter works for Disney. 34, six figure salary, and has a hospitality and tourism management degree from UF.
But aren’t you always saying that “parents are taking THEIR money” for vouchers? THEIR money really doesn’t cover it, does it?
And specifically stated “no religious test for office” suggesting the idea of keeping government and religion separate.
Do you really think that someone’s INDIVIDUAL property taxes completely covers the per student cost of education? What if they have no kids? 10...
Not sure of your age but if you were saying the Lord’s Prayer after 1962 your school was breaking the law.
There are some posters that skip right over the establishment clause. They think that free exercise is the totality of the amendment. The truth...