False equivalence but I don’t have an obsession with minding someone else’s business. Many Trump supporters lack simple economic knowledge and...
But he loves Republicans
A party that espouses rounding people up in camps is never on the right side of history. In addition, I think that people that support his...
The extension that DeWine signed takes 90 days to take effect.
I know but Ohio is being Ohio. That’s why they were setting up a virtual roll call....
I think they have until August 7 to get on the ballot in Ohio
It’s also the fear of perhaps not being the majority anymore. Not racist per se but feeling that what they perceive to be their “rightful place”...
She absolutely needed to resign. The problems at the Secret Service are/were pretty baked in. The book Zero Fail by Carol Leonnig was great AND scary.
Not how it works. You can serve up to ten years. It wouldn’t count as one of her terms.
You can’t put Condoleeza Rice in the same sentence as those other two. Good grief. Is this your version of “I have a black friend?”
Y’all are really grasping at straws. You’re stuck with that orange menace, good luck.
Well, he does have Covid so unlike Trump perhaps he’s chosen not to be a disease vector.
Mr Swampbabe’s flight got cancelled this morning out of MCO, no pilot. Said there were THOUSANDS of pieces of luggage stacked up and a whole bunch...
Here, this may help https://online.stanford.edu/courses/sohs-yeconschool-principles-economics
Right here...
Abuse takes many forms. Bad marriages are bad for children, too.
Also, eliminating funding and protections for special education programs. Way to throw your children and grandchildren under the bus.
People that think that Project 2025 isn’t tied to Trump are either naive or ignorant.
The poster that said that