Is it that time of the month for ya, sweetie? There...there.
That's the same hack's post from last night and I still don't trust him.
So I see Virginia has a turnover towel. Miami has a turnover chain. FSU being a girls school and all do they get turnover feminine napkins?
Checking in on you boys to see if you're behaving ;)
Guys I'm taking a break for a bit. Just found out a very good friend died this not in a joking mood right now. I'll be back later...
:cool: my kids would be in shock. I'll wait til they're old enough to be thoroughly mortified.
My dabbling wasn't that PG.
Of course!!!! I would think. Mods?
I'm plenty tough. I choose not to be annoyed by some. There's a difference :)
Random post. My 8-yr-old son can't stop laughing every time he sees the word Wiener on a hot dog package. I don't think he's growing out of that.
I'd be asking what the heck she's expecting to cook for her man in that empty fridge. Edit: the girlfriend obviously. Don't expect her friend to...
That's disgusting
Wasn't that you on page 136?
Thank you :)
You guys are making me blush. LOL
Ah...I remember Mons. Favorite strip club. Nice VIP area. ;)
I'm IceQueen from a fantasy football thing....Someone said I had ice in my veins with some of my picks and I won so was the "Queen". So it stuck:)
There's a photo of me in the pub. Gainesville experience thread. :p
More for the recruiting I'd think.
In fairness to the guys & myself on cellphones especially those marks are hard to see/near invisible until the item posts. That...and I'm sure...