Well on this "get off my lawn" vibe/note I guess I'll head out to the store to finish the Thanksgiving shopping, clean, etc. I'm in Buffalo and...
I think that's the plan for some on here.
Except there's other threads where there are more straight-laced official news. This has both. How many pages of only rumors and hints can you...
There's been a lot of joking around because there hasn't been much news. So we've been having...wait for it...fun.
I didn't let him watch that one. Give him a couple of years LOL
Don't get him started on the South Park episode with Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls....or the Chinkopokomon (sp?) episode. He's on the floor...
Good morning :)
Guys you're too much *laugh* but thank you.
Yes and no. I have a teen girl. Knows everything because I am an involved mom and would rather she learn from me than someone at school. She...
But he is a wonderful, involved father and I'll take that ANY day. I can handle myself.
And it's appreciated... I was just commenting before someone mistook it as "bad news" :)
Coaches should have a National Signing Day thing where they have hats in front of them like the high ranked recruits :)
Use the green font for sarcasm LOL. I need my coffee. And since I don't have a husband to bring me one better go make it. Come to think of...
Not...happening ;)
Did we expect him to say anything different? Any coach in negotiations is going to toe the line until it's all said & done.
We were talking about the history in the Pub. And "disgusting" isn't the same as making any racial or other types of jokes, which is what I...
No...more clean it all up and sanitize it. I don't think any of us ever posted anything that would seriously offend people.
Dairy Queen? Well page 136 has a creamy substance.
It's NOT me...it was some bikini blonde with the initials SJC I think...way back before the hammer fell on the pics
Well duh...Thanskgiving at Saban's house is first.