The Democrats probably already have some more crap in waiting Ask the Democrats if there is a one week delay and it comes back clean will they...
She did but it was not in Aug it was : "A Justice Department spokesperson said the FBI had forwarded the initial letter from Sen. Dianne...
Whats new ? Everybody you disagree with is a liar, a weasel, or a good for nothing So we wish the Democrats would be honest and admit there is...
This is another lie that she told: "When told later by Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that his staff would have flown out to her to...
Mainly because all of her witness that she listed as being there basically said she was lying that they knew nothing about the event even her life...
"I also saw on your CV that you list the following interests of travel, and you, in parentheses put 'Hawaii, Costa Rica, South Pacific islands,...
Rest assured If I was in her place and I was to get a polygraph test that runs as high as a $1,000.00 I would dam sure know who is paying for it...
I can buy that but she does a hell lot flying to be scared of flying I also "thank" I heard her say she was not aware of the committee coming to...
ONE OF THE ODDEST EXCHANGES BETWEEN FORD AND MITCHELL Ford: I took the test on the day of my Grandma’s funeral. Mitchell: Why did the...
Who is Ford's life long friend that turned the tables on her and denied any recollection of the event: Keyser previously coached golf at...
The truth hurts don’t it
One senator on the panel called him evil. Pissed. He had ever right to be
When you are lied about like he has been it’s a trial
More than once her law firm grasped the mike and answered for her
How was a self confessed sexual offender even loud to question
What kind of payoff is this ? wonder how much money is in the envelope [MEDIA]
That is really strange Did she ask for the test or did her lawyer suggest it? Surly with the cost of between $500 to $1,000 she would ask who is...
"IF" you can remember the sortied details of the so called attack you sure as hell should remember where when and how of the so called attack....
She remembers the detail of the so called assault 35 years ago but does not remember who paid for the lie test 4 months ago
how can she remember the address for speedway but not the address of the so called assault