Hints. So now we convince some one on hints. That is a new standard even for liberals. Of course when you have nothing else hints beat nothing
So now we go back to a 16 year old year book Make a fool of your self and have at it. And there is no proof she is not a liar. Just her flimsy word.
They were just saying she lied in a nice way
and sounds like ford is the liar to many of us we have 3 of her witness that wont back up her claims
Link to Fords lawyer having ties with George Soros First there was a report from June in the Daily Caller that found “a new political advocacy...
Just because she is a "possible" assault victim does not give her a free pass on examination especially when when she does not know when it...
Her best friend does not remember it because : "Leland Keyser, a friend of Ford, said in a statement that was passed out to members of the Senate...
. Statue of limitations in 1982 was one year says Maryland Authorities but they say they would investigate if a complaint is filed. So we can put...
He held his temper and composure a lot better than I would. It was only creditable in yours and other liberals eyes. Which does not make the...
Cannot post links on my phone but have posted link in previous post in this thread. Will be more than happy to repost tomarrow
Don’t know about that but Ford lawyers have deep ties to Soros
Well Ford has been proven to be a hot commodity a little later on. She liked to Bose it up and hit the bars
Why. How does he fill entitled He did not apply for this position. He did not run a race for it. He was selected
Glad you said your opinion because everything on this board is opinion counting mine. If you are a liberal he is a liar if you are a...
Maybe they can collect some of that DNA stuff
All three witnesses signed sworn states they sure as hell better not changed their story now.
It will give the Democrats time to get some more bull crap stored up
The only Facts or intent to prove her lie that have been proven is that she named three people as being there one of them her life long best...
You do know what the first three letters of the word assume spell don’t you
She admitted under oath she did not name Kavanaugh as the villain to the therapist. Why did she not name him