What makes you thank he would want to mow your yard.
Don’t need new material. This very convincing that Ford is a liar
Breaking News :::Three nurses have just brought sexual allegation against Kavanaugh for exposing his gentiles to them when he was delivered at birth
She brought the notes up as evidence she was truthful then the entire interview should be presented to the public. If she does not want them made...
What kind of conspiracy is going on with Clemson as they have an old white kid playing QB for them
You have not answered NANA
Great. That is what he should do. So if he along with the other witness tell the FBI the same thing as their sworn statements is that good enough...
So you want to call a recovering alcoholic and a cancer victim to let a bunch of low life Democrats on the panel can bounce on him like a bunch of...
Sounds like she will fly when she wants to but be scared when she wants to delay an event. Kind of like her selective memory.
The only source I have to check how women feel about this is Facebook which may or not be accurate but it does include remarks from all over the...
There is less prof she is not a liar
Her therapy notes are nothing she admitted she did not name Kavanaugh by name to the head Shrinker
But what you have laid out is the same as mine nothing but personal opinion . Opinions and 1.00 will get you a large cup of coffee at Burger...
Farting stinks but not near as bad as these so call unprovable allegations brought forth by Ford who is a proven liar
Boy that is a great one. If that is the best you liberal left can come up with you need to wave the white flag now
There is less prof that she is telling the truth than there is prof she is a liar
Except no one will back up her story that the so called party ever happened
May have might have could have. Is that the best you can do
Is that about the same as no I did not have sex with that woman