Just heard on a talk radio show they checked Corey Booker year book and his nickname was sugar. Now does that mean he was sweet or back in that...
From some things I have heard Ford liked that game. In fact she had a reputation as quite a bar hopper
Just because Republican women or independent women don’t go out and act like a bunch of butt holes disrupt hearings obstruct law does not mean...
Did she have her feathers and warpaint on
I love how you try to lump all women in the same ball. Well there are lots of women who do not agree with you liberals. You see women have sons...
You liberals will get over it. May take a few days till a new battle comes up then this will be forgotten
Dam truthfully my apologies for calling you a Democrat I would consider it a very bad insult if someone called me a Democrat and I can fully...
You Democrats are never happy. Joe Biden rule said a President does not appoint a SJ in a presidential election year. So the Republicans do as...
Good lord a Democrat talking about doing what the constitution intended. What a joke
Well obama said elections have consequences and the American people gave the majority in the senate and House to stop obama.
Boy if Democrats are going bananas now wait till Trump gets to replace Ginsburg with a conservative Then the fun will really begin
It is hard to believe so many people are willing to turn this country over to George Soros
Don’t worry about the shovel you won’t need it. The shifting polls tell it all
One time the spirit tv screen will come in handy
Get over it you liberals tried but you lost he will be confirmed and it will then be in the hands of the American people come ballot day if it was...
If that is all you have to hang your hat on have at it
I really dont care who you voted for or against but you have a habit of trying to insult every body that disagrees with you so no I dont thank...
And you are one to talk about high ground you have no clue what it means You are the typical pot calling the kettle black
She is dead in the water down by 12 points. She is not putting squat on the line and dont come at us with democrats have principles
The community orginazier experiment was a failure and it cost us $10 Trillion Dollars that is as much as all the Presidents before obama combined....