There are more aspects to this situation than I will ever know, particularly how best to handle the specter of NCAA sanctions and how that might...
If you had asked if Skink and others have criticized and questioned UM's conduct and the state in which he left the UF program - and came away...
Tell that to his family, particularly Mrs. Napier.
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. It's time to move on.
Whew! I feel much better now. :devil:
The '79 season was less awful in several respects. - They could play D and only got blown out once, IIRC - The team battled every opponent as hard...
Better yet, have someone from that army of analysts drop him off at the bus station/
Three. In a way, that makes this shitshow even worse.
I knew it was my fault...damn! :cool:
Being rid of the worst play caller in history isn't nothing.
Even worse than '79. At least they could play defense and make the other team work for the win. SMH.
You called it, of course.
Team, program, players - yes. This staff - not so much.:cool:
I don't. BN is just not up to it at this level. That's not ever going to change.
Time to "process" BN and SS. Enough already. Sheesh.
A&M 34 / UF 24. Mertz struggles with the rush and DJ plays too little and starts too late to pull it out. A hard rain's gonna fall.
I've seen various sources/posters attempting to compare DJL to AR or TT and then trying to draw conclusions re how best to use his talent to the...
Thank you for that moment of clarity and factual insight. Well said.