I'm talking about the herd of morons that invaded the Capitol for the stated purpose of hanging Mike Pence, and stopping the confirmation process...
Yes, they "entered," Congress. By smashing windows, climbing walls, and rushing barriers. Call it what it was, an "invasion." You seem to...
The unlawful occupation of Congress, with the intention to overthrow an election.
Where's the personal attack?
Do you REALLY not understand that skin color has been a determining factor in prosecution and sentencing in this country since it's inception?...
If he suggested extensive rehabbing of existing cities, it wouldn't sound so insane. Ten brand new cities are so much more shiny and...
Always the real estate huckster. He could put the new cities in those wide open desert states, I guess. No water, but lots of land just sitting...
Psychotic, actually.
They're not besties, they're worsties.
Northern Va is feast or famine, snow-wise. It's either "Snowmaggedon," and "Snowpocalypse," or it's a few inches of "decorative," snow for the...
Same principle applies with snowblowers.
Why was Florida called upon to help Iowa? Wisconsin, sure, a border state. Florida's not even in the neighborhood. Does Florida have some...
A cinematic masterpiece. I hated to see it included in that pollution of a political ad.
Remember the weird Rambo Ron video? In an ad rivaling Donald Trump’s pudding-gate attack, Ron DeSantis shared the latest bizarre campaign video...
It goes both ways.
Outstanding, thanks for posting! I'm going to show it to my guests at our barbecue this afternoon. I see it's with the Air Force Band, which...
Making the flag a marketing tool is tacky.
Well said. I think he'd get a much more favorable reception from moderates/independents if he'd switch his persona from anti-woke warrior to...
By their votes (politicians) ye shall know them. DeSantis certainly isn't making an issue about the environment, and as the governor of an...
"Graveyard dead?" Is there another kind? Putting a folksy spin on it, I guess.