We've actually been bingeing Frasier for a while now, 3 episodes a day. 11 seasons, 24 episodes--remember when shows had 20+ episodes a season,...
If you're calling River a liar, do it with your words, not some lame gif.
After further reflection, I may have been unduly pessimistic in my earlier post, #23. While the alderman's suggestion to curb the deaths of...
Adolescence can be virtually indistinguishable from poor mental health.
Asking violent men with severe anger issues and a whole bunch of other negative psycho-social issues to exercise restraint and schedule their...
From the San Diego Union-Tribune: "The Navy sent about 10 warships out to sea on Saturday to make it easier to manage and secure vessels that...
Seems kind of iffy, no time or platform or channel announced yet. "Former president Donald Trump intends to skip the first Republican...
Not broke, per se, but school budgets are finite. In Virginia, budgets are set by the state. I don't know who determines California school...
I wonder if that's still true? When we visited Los Angeles I nearly froze my toes off at the beach. Maybe the natives are acclimated, I grew up...
This is an unconscionable waste of resources. The school board is derelict in their duty to the students.
I wonder why California doesn't get more tropical systems?
Some good news, some bad news. Good news, So. Cal and some southwestern states are about to receive always- appreciated water; bad news, it's...
That's quite impressive. Sadly, his top-shelf education doesn't seem to inform his decisions and actions.
Not to mention the million dollar interstate transport system DeSantis set up for the undocumented.
My bad. I think it was this quote in the article that mentioned the Rays: “I grew up a Braves fan in the Southeast and then when the Rays came, I...
In the article, he mentions college football, and that he went to college in Florida, but no shout-out for UF or the Gators. GINO.
His age is irrelevant, unless his defense is diminished capacity, ie senility. Otherwise, he's just another horrible person, who just happened to...
Yeah, I get that. But how does "humility," figure into it? Another form of humility is humble, and she's making it sound like he humbles himself...
Mais non
A bit overwrought, UFlawyer. Would you be of French extraction, by any chance?