I think it would be cool if Chip was the mystery guest picker on Gameday tomorrow. He could say something like you guys can pick whoever you want...
The office thing is nothing and the 11 o'clock thing is BS
Neutered or rabies shot?
The only smoke visible is the smoke being blown up the arses of gullible posters on this thread.
Title of this thread needs changed to Update: Kelly buzz..... Steaming pile of Bullsh!t.
Yep. And here we go. It will end as quickly as it started and be blamed on Foley who has absolutely no control over anything.
Nope. Never was
This is what I want to hear also. Even the thread tittle has changed but no one has posted any evidence or clue that this in fact is getting hotter.
You are right. I have no insider information. What Biggest Bull Gators have a clue. I haven't seen any.
Whew. I was getting excited there for awhile. Thanks for the bump back into the reality of message board BS.
I hope you are not going to form an opinion based on one post on a message board from a disgruntled fan.