Been watching Florida since 1966... Spurrier's last year. Coach Napier is the absolute best thing that has happen to Gator Football since Steve...
Grant... You make some good points but here is the rub: That long bomb/pass happened a LOT in 2022. Repeatedly. There were even times when the...
Geeeez! How MANY times have we seen the Gators run on 1st down and get two yards? We run on 2nd down and get three more yards. And now it's 3rd...
One One key factor that seems to be missing is: The wear and tear that happens when an SEC team faces another SEC team each week...verses an ACC...
Bobby... What kind of skull is that?
Skink... I was recently informed by someone that is on the Gator's staff that Mullen was more of a "schemer" verses an overall C.E.O. type head...
Waaaay to go Nayquan!!!
ANNNNNND... Pressure Washing!!
86... Well said!
"My take is, enjoy what we are building and appreciate what real leadership and development that CBN brings." Could not have been stated better!
I understand that there is going to be a massive multi-million dollar renovation for Ben Hill Griffin Stadium coming up next year... late 2023?...
It would be great to see, "Dr. O"...#13 out there! Watching him throw one of his beautiful spirals was a work of art! If Ochab can't make it,...
The bottom line... Kids want to play some football for two reasons: 1. They just want to get on the field and play some damn football. That's...
George Castansos, is that you?
For several years I was with a sales force. We were almost 2000 miles away from home and missed our families and loved ones. I noticed several...
One of my all-time favorite Buffett tunes! Pencil Thin Mustache by Jimmy Buffett - Songfacts
Dannng... Youse guys are killing me!
Lizardbreath.... Here ya go! [MEDIA]
All the best to Lorenzo! Where ever he go, may he be successful!
96... I am not disagreeing with you at all. Yes, the system was tilted toward the schools. But my post was about the attitude that college...