Soooooo.... How will this affect that other 5 Star RB from Florida that Texas signed last year??
Back in my day (mid to late 70's)... we would leave Yon Hall and go right down the road, two blocks over to Tolbert Hall to check out the babes....
I agree.. I agree... BUT I also STRONGLY believe that we need to look at the, "long game" when it comes to recruiting at the University Of...
True... And when they stretch the rules over the next three years... There will be consequences.
Rick... In all respect...was that a, "tongue in cheek" type comment? StrangeGator is one of the "bears" on this board. Please don't poke da bear.
I have performed on 6th Street in Austin, Texas. GREAT music scene!
Tar Baby!
Bingo!...and... Bingo! I had someone at the Heavener Center tell me these exact same words.
Yessss... And one NEVER knows what will eventually pans out with a recruit over a 12 to 14 month period? He signs with another school... Promises...
Beaver Nuggets! If you have never been to a Buc-cees... it is like combining a Q-Trip with... Walt Disney World.
Florida chose orange and blue for two reasons: 1. It's a long story but we adopted those colors from the University of Virginia. 2. Those colors...
Is, Larry "Dr. O" Ochab still available??
As Muschamp said after the National Championshi Game, stepping onto the bus: "We won the game up front."
Yea right... My wife says to me, "Don't give me any crud... I know where you bed down!"
Looks like MORE repeated, blatant and long-term bias!
Yeaaaa... . Place large concaved disks all along the top of the stadium that would bounce the sound back onto the field!! ORRR...a large, long... too. I was so surprised by this that this was the reason that I posted that link!