X Corp is being sued for copyright infringement for unlicensed use of music Music publishers sue Twitter for $250m+ alleging ‘rampant...
This pissing match remains some of the best entertainment of the season
Florida is becoming more and more of a political outlier IMO
I’ve studied Latin, French, and Spanish, enough to get the gist of the written languages but not enough to be conversational (although I’m...
Wearing an N95 outside today
This is the big one, y’all
me too. I spent 3 hours outdoors playing music in foggy bottom today. It was a bit hazy, but nothing like what I’m seeing in NYC
Good time to be a campaign manager or political consultant
April the giraffe for President!
I think if I were a conspiracy theorist I’d be more likely to believe that someone on team Trump persuaded Musk to have this happen. But I’m not...
I’m sure he was just there for the prayer meeting
Bigo gets 4.5 years in the pokey https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/05/24/barnett-sentenced-jan6/
Lol. You must be new here
Damn. I thought this thread was gonna be 51 stating his hood bona fides and declaring himself a thug for life
well yes, of course, if there’s money to be made, business will fill that void. Short term there will be a loss of ready money investment like...
there’s also a large hidden loss of revenue as other companies watch this and decide against investing in Fla without any kind of public announcement
that was how it was for me, growing up in Fla. I remember one girl in my class got her first period at school about two weeks before we were...
I bet that margin would be slimmer now than it was then