Do not question the system. This has been debated
They can
Kinda gives that feeling of well an insider, still doesnt make you athletic director, prez of university, or director of finance. Insider...
It is called sarcasim. But really nothing you or I can do about it.
You know what they know is my guess.
Calm down im hearing its kelly. Isnt that what this thread is about.
Not until the sources say so.:eek:
No worries we have been assured that it is august humid hot on kelly. If not then winter is around the corner
Neither did urban
In all fairness he is a pretty awkward guy but a good football coach.
Chip better fix oline or there will be no progressions
Derrick Dooley to Florida
And as the saying goes nothing you hear.
That might make it taste like tuna
Kelly doing halftime show. Thats all we know.
Sure he is, its not like he has anything else going on that we know of.:D
Easy Fred .
Yep at halftime gonna sign the paperwork at midfield:devil:
And i got banned for a joke about butter teeth. Go figure
Almost like he had the munchies