No shit sherlock. If you can come up with a way for a coach to leave a team other than quit or be fired, please elaborate. That's true. And...
Is there another way to stop coaching a team? Maybe die I suppose.
Michigan apparently lost a lot from last year. Similar to half ass u.
Wasn't that D Cord. for michigan a former game show host? Wink Martindale?
Fox's TV graphics suck.
Everyone we play will have a coaching advantage.
At least that would keep UGAG and others from having 100 five star players.
That could be a factor of just being Mississippi. Sometimes a school can't succeed no matter who the coach is just because of where they are....
You can actually track our downfall with each coach: Meyer - Top of the SEC Muschamp - about 3rd or 4th but still able to beat UGA. Mackelshark -...
Tre Wilson grabbing a 6 yard pass, breaks 1 tackle and is gone for a 65 yard TD.
Ummm, you wouldn't happen to know which branch bank she worked at do you? :D
Not our Gators but I know quite a few Nole fans that dropped their Golden shower Chief status and their season tickets after the Taggart fiasco...
It's cuz of them damn Amish.
Yeah, at least last year we held our crappy teams to one TD but against Charlotte what did we score? 20 points or something? I went to that game...
If DJ defies the conservative play calling and is responsible for 6-7 TD's this game it will be hard to keep him off the field against Tx Jr.
Have you seen this defense play the last few years?
Would you tell your boss that his plans sucked and won't yield productive results? Doesn't matter how many analysts there are if they don't speak...
I mean I suppose the veer could work every time with 2 or 3 plays if you had the best players at every position. Well, we don't. So you have to...
So the reporter can establish how friendly BN is with the guy which will indicate why he only chose to score 20 points on Samford.