If she thinks that her being short is going to affect her perceived performance then she has already lost. Give good answers and come off as...
A good night to catch up on the new Cobra Kai season.
The all or nothing attitude gets us nowhere. A 16 week limit should satisfy most people (could be talked into lower but no lower than 12). Then,...
Is it ok if your pets are chickens, cows and pigs?
Shouldn't that be "they flip flop like a personfish"?
Support the legalization but they should allow for a plant or two for a person's personal growing. Not require everyone go pay the multi billion...
Wondering about that, is the dink and dunk by napier design and Mertz is just doing what he's told? And I got the feeling those long passes that...
That sounds more believable but then there would be no reason for multiple cops to show up to write him a ticket.
I don't think I want him to hire a coordinator that fits his vision for the team. I think he needs to change his vision and come up with an...
Can I trade 20 ranking points for an undefeated season and a natty? If so, I'll devalue my degree.
Jerry McGuire would have done the same thing.
100 in a 30 seems pretty far fetched. On a busy street that close to the stadium on a game day? Maybe 50 or 60 I might believe.
Hind sight being 20/20 and all, it may have been the president wanted Meyer all along and the resume thing was a way to do that. Having said...
Does this mean we can go back to being a football school and start winning some championships again?
True, at least with Lagway the defense has to at least respect the post or deep ball. With Mertz they are not concerned about him going more than...
Overall there are a lot to like but is that one about pathway to affordable education have loan forgiveness? And the bad actor one, who gets to...
Usually park in someone's yard pretty close. If not, there is usually some good parking in a real space down by the innovation hub east of...
I know, a lot of the teams I thought would be difficult to beat haven't looked so good. KY, FSU aTm and LSU come to mind. But some are better...
That old time Ky guy was hilarious. "Aw Nertz"