And they felt like it was a win.
Not a smoker but I have been in bars where smoking used to be legal and you are right, that smell never goes away, so I just don't go to those...
I sent in my resume. Haven't heard back yet. Fingers crossed.
So basically we should win if our opponent has a losing record. [img]
Ima pretend you didn't post that. Your Guadalcanal Diary bought you some cred though. Might as well have listed Spin Doctors (if they were from Ga).
Left off REM.
All good, now how do you enforce it?
And it's everywhere in Fl as it is with just "medical MJ". Think what it will be with full out legal.
The '93 game sticks out to me. Mostly cuz I sat in the endzone in the rain - with a warm whiskey buzz. Anthone called the TO and the pick!...
Yes, it just means more and stuff.
Is it bad that I'm still pissed at Cal for not making a couple field goals?
I think we can all agree that we don't want that FSU defector back. He hasn't looked good for them this season.
No softening. The only thing I don't like is that I have to go through my day with someone else's decision affecting my enjoyment of going to the...
Perfect bookend to that game was Spikes leveling Moreno and givin' him the business.
I agree with all of that. Now, just because it's not right doesn't mean there will be people refraining from smoking while driving. Not many...
I do have a problem with the smell. Is my right to breathe clean air worth less than someone's right to light up? At least cigarette smoke...
If DJ can hit a couple 20 yd plus passes early, I think we can get them with the run. Protection will be the key so you're right on that. TX...
Don't have a problem with legalization or de-criminalizing it. It's on par with alcohol so not a big deal with it but I voted no for this reason....
This is it! I'm feeling better about this game than I did at the beginning of the season but it's still going to be a tough out. Not sure if our...
It's no secret that 99% of newspapers are going to endorse a democrat candidate. The more interesting part is when they endorse someone during...