I hear Venezuela is losing their population, they could use some new citizens.
They should look at the bright side: 1. He can't run again after this. 2. All the non-biased shows like Jimmy Fallon, The Daily Show and SNL...
Yeah, us too in Tampa. Lots of churches. I guess there's not a lot of praying to do on Tuesdays.
Early voted and walked right in at 6 pm on a Tuesday at the local library branch. For those who have a precinct in a school, do the kids not have...
Nothing. [img]
I volunteered to be a poll watcher but they kicked me out of the Mons Venus.
I admittedly don't know much about the injury but it seems like prevention is the best medicine for these things. I know players stretch before...
Sure I'll accept them. Because guess what, minus all the hand wringing, pearl clutching and consternation, a Harris win will not be as bad as you...
But apparently she wasn't "the most innocent". I guess there's a distinction there somewhere but not sure what it is.
CRAP!, now how are we going to learn anything.
Except we play on Saturdays so we can leave the field torn up for the Jags the next day.
I think all they have to do is offer him the equal time. If he doesn't accept (and he'd be a fool if he did) then they should be good.
All I saw was a short 20 second blurb on channel 8 as I was headed out the door.
Maybe they thought their own, uhh..., "personal flotation devices" would have been enough.
Most of these they kind of write them with a double negative in the language so you don't really know if a yes vote supports it or not. Probably...
If that's the case, lets say you smoked a week ago and had an accident where someone got injured. Cops find you at fault and do a blood test and...
If there is no field sobriety test for it, then there are two ways for someone to get busted for it. Cop smells the pot and calls in the canine...
At least the one in Tampa is close to home. Will definitely go to that one. Who knows, maybe by that time we will have a competent coach and a...
You should write a novel. You definitely have a gift.:)
You taking a creative writing class? Don't think I've ever seen the following words used here at GC: morose, besotted, crestfallen or this phrase...