Here's how George Will so deliciously described Gaetz in today's WAPO: "Matt Gaetz, an arrested-development adolescent with the swagger of a...
"Let his days be few; and let another take his office." Psalm 109:8 There must have been Trump-like characters in those days, too.
Amen, but the MAGA Cult will continue to worship the fool and follow him like lemmings. It's the damndest thing I've ever seen in my 81 years.
I learned a new phrase today!
Not everything, but there certainly are a lot of racists and misogynists in the population, many of whom will deny it vehemently.
Curious, what's a "gish gallop"?
The cool-aide is intoxicating, isn't it?
Come on man.
so get used to them Deep state Justice Department corruption DOD incompetence Woke generals What we’re not going to hear are any explanations of...
True as far as it goes. (BTW, your attempt at sarcasm sucks.:p)
Anyone who can't point to SPECIFIC ACTS OF CORRUPTION are the ones who don't belong in the conversation. They're just empty-headed puppets with...
What is corrupt about the DOJ? Before you respond - if you do - note that a prosecutorial decision is not in and of itself evidence of corruption.
Interesting take. Pawn of who? Since you are so certain he was a pawn, perhaps you can give an example of the pawn master moving the pawn.
"Weaponized" is the vogue word these days to minimize criminal behavior. It's almost always used by Trump apologists who want to excuse the crimes...
Shows how little respect Trump has for the office and the citizenry. It’s just outrageous. But what else should we expect from an amoral narcissist?
That's about the size of it. I'm glad you're also concerned.
That you should bring up Obama is revealing. He identified as a black man, which many Americans just couldn't accept. He and his family have been...
NEWS FLASH: The division in America was created by Trump and his MAGA Sturmtruppen. NOTE: It's "your politics of division HAVE (not "has)......"
That anyone would see that as funny is beyond me. Every American who, like me served, and every American who values the historic neutrality of our...