Your view is that of prevailing opinion - he shouldn't have pardoned especially after saying he would not. Perhaps the better course would have...
It looks like the mindset in different clothing has reappeared.
Ignorance is certainly bliss......except when it negatively affects others.
"Aristotle taught that all human beings want to know. Our own experience teaches us that all human beings also want not to know, sometimes...
The issue is whether you’d pardon your son. You answered it. I vigorously disagree under the Hunter Biden fact scenario. Vag8tr1 (post 42)...
You watch when there’s a thread devoted to Trump’s plans with respect to the FBI - the Attilas will applaud those plans and be oblivious to their...
The Player is a lawyer!?! You gotta be kidding!
It’s easy to be rigid if you live either in a black or white world and have no appreciation for nuance. Many in MAGA world are exactly the same.
So if your son were an addict and had issues and demons, and committed the crimes Hunter was charged with, you’d let him serve a prison sentence?...
And your man Trump? Have you expressed even a fraction of such outrage about that POS? You do consider him a POS, right?
Every father would for such a crime.
The Attilas applaud tariffs now and will applaud Trump when he doesn't follow through. Have we ever seen an Attila on TH criticize him? I can't...
Trump won the election. I hope democrats are not going to spend the next couple of years - until.democrats can legitimately say "I told you so" -...
If you read my posts over the years you wouldn't insinuate such a thing. There have been many open-minded posts I have nonetheless disagreed with,...
See, that's why mods shouldn't be posting extreme - and he is an extremist - opinions! Yet, you mods defend his right - as a mod - to do that,...
I try to, but don't always. Frankly, G8orbill's rigidity and narrow mindedness just struck a nerve with me, but that's my problem, so I just put...
It's rich that you include "morally superior" in your post. Compared to Trump, non-Trumpers are undeniably superior. But I otherwise don't like to...
Huh? What specifically, is "laughable".
Good lord! Where do you come up with such nonsense? Care to give some examples? The only thing thoughtful voters from BOTH parties did is warn...
That's nonsense! Do you think Trump did?