It's not like the truth hasn't been staring G8trbill in the face.
Yep, got it right. So many people with no moral compass. Just infants in adult bodies. The worst is Trump.
Good Lord, man, do you really and truly believe that crap?! For example, what were Hunter's "treasonous crimes"? As another, is it your position...
Coulter is one sick human. One almost feels sorry for how unhappy and angry she seems.
Yep. Plus, I asked Chat GPT. A quick survey is confusing, and at my age, I just don't have the desire to sit down and study it. I'm more...
Agree. I venture to say there isn't more than one person in ten thousand who even fully understands what it is or how it works. That's how we want...
Going how far back? Might your ancestors have brought you to America illegally? I mean, damn man, can't you just be content with the criminals...
Of course not! Who has said they did??
No chance in Hell, and when that happens, watch the MAGAts start making excuses without the slightest awareness of their hypocrisy. The OP has...
Un-be-lieve-able! Even the dumbest MAGA Cult member must think this is absurd.
But your "way to the right" would provide a better view? BTW, what is your opinion as to why scholars, i.e., learned men and women, may generally...
Perhaps to you. Many, many, many things come into clearer focus after the passage of time - in all endeavors of life. In fact, as much as I...
What does this say about approximately half of our population? (The half who voted for Trump in case that's not clear.)
This raises the question: what are they waiting for? A layman like me supposes it's an expensive process to extract the rare earth elements.
Democrats nailed it! The bias as reported in the article was any open mind.
Wow! They may not have one that long, but maybe they could make one that long, but the entire edifice would be monstrous, don’t you think?
Very worrisome. I hope this isn't a harbinger of the big one off the coast of Oregon.
I don't think it's skeletons. His wife is a Debartelo living in Tampa, quite wealthy, and desirous of privacy. That and the fact that she and her...
You really know how to blow G8reBill out of the water. I doubt he even read your post, however.
Sean Hannity as a source of balanced and fair reporting? Come on man!