He is still retired but the Braves keep calling him.
The way things were going I was hoping we would hit 747 before bed time, dang it. Good night all, look out at your local Home Depot. and just in...
This is where so many in here get lost in the whole "The Sky Is Falling" mentality every time something not favorable is posted. They do not...
With this group firechip.com
Just my Chilli, Carry on my wayward son
UT going for broke, they must be courting Matt Williams as their next coach, trolling their fan base with the flight plans....
2 flight plans filed, They are attempting to troll the Gators. the other flight plan goes from Starkville to Orlando. The plane is currently in...
On another board I have been a member of for about 12 years we started a thread "Perv Forum" on 03/20/07. You can guess what is there by the...
Perfect for Mac
I went to Home Depot today while not being altogether sure that course of action was a wise one.. You see, last night I had prepared and consumed...
CK was the one that contacted UF
Can anyone confirm that the UF jets are still on the ground in Gainesville? Asking for a friend
What happened in Philly was directly related to cutting Tebow, We all know what happens when you cut Tebow!
Found a way to post nudes without offending anyone [IMG]
He failed to mention Conisuer's of the female anatomy?
Kelly's offense requires speed 1. PAC has speed 2. SEC has SPEED AND SIZE Which would you choose?
Well that's different. Back away from the ledge people...
I had to run to the hunting camp, was gon about 2 hours and 30 pages were added.