Noticed it and posted about it a few pages back
You sure you got what he was saying?
Still waiting on Scooter Scoot to tweet about the game. After every game he sends a tweet, his last was from Disney last night. Must be super busy...
Should have gotten cooler when they took the teeny blue bikini down
Nothing new on the coaching The stuff you missed can be found in the Babes of Fall over in the pub
I am sure if he is headed to G-Ville tonight there is a plane already on the ground waiting for him to get out of studio.
MFW All the people that have been seen flying in are from ESPN and they set up a studio on campus for the show. [IMG]
Dag nabit,Thanks Pub, Missed 500
I currently have my 2nd Ecoboost, The 3.5 version. Will never have a vehicle with another engine. Between the 2 I have put 160,000 miles on them...
Uhmmmm back from the Pub, Babes of Fall. Who cares who the coach is
Then why are you here? ;)
Headed to the Pub to put the blue bikini up, Wish me luck
Yea I did, the shoes you did not like went BOOM
I would track inbound flights, If they scramble the planes out of G-Ville everyone stops watching the airport for a few hours. This coaching...
If there is a thread over there that has half the content of this one we will all forget about football
UT playing good against LSU, Waiting for the call for them to keep Hoke as coach.
Just because you are a good sport IceQueen [IMG]
Scott Frost for OC
Maybe we can post the babes in the Game thread, Nobody will be in there.