For the sake of argument, assuming you're correct with respect to Louisiana's intent and/or the result, is the "one religion" question relevant to...
Didn't read the whole dissent but skimmed it and saw the below about the historical analysis. Not sure if I get his point here. Is he saying that...
Oldie but goody.... Mickey Mouse, it says here you want to divorce Minnie because she is......insane?” “No, I said she was [blanking] Goofy.”
The Senior Vice President has been held down for being White?
You make a good point about which purportedly "sinful" behaviors are criminalized versus viewed as moral guidelines. If the Ten Commandments are...
Yeah, I remember when people would point to the Court friezes as a purported analogy/justification for things like when Justice Roy Moore wheeled...
Personally, I have zero issue with folks worshipping or proselytizing publicly. That’s their right, and many of them are great people. But we have...
When conservative Christians argue, for example, there are secular arguments with respect to an issue like abortion, I think that's a fair point....
I knew that you would be on top of this aspect.
I guess this goes to the 5th Circuit? Any chance the enactment is enjoined while it's challenged? Louisiana Becomes First State To Require Ten...
I recall DeSantis touting the improving numbers in Florida. Was he part of the conspiracy to lie about the numbers to help Biden?
If SCOTUS rules that presidents have full immunity with respect to actions while in office, what are the odds that Biden even allows Trump to take...
I could definitely see blackmail resulting from the Ashley Madison site, for example, but I'm still not clear what sort of scandalous material is...
I think both men are past their prime. However, even putting aside their legal and moral differences, I have never expected Biden to be a savior...
Even in Republican-dominated Florida, over 60% of voters voted to increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2026. That doesn't seem significantly out of...
From a legal standpoint, the Supreme Court addressed the issue in 1981, when women were banned from serving in combat roles. Rostker v. Goldberg,...
I don't have a theological position but appreciate that you don't believe our laws should necessarily be established by the Bible. Naturally, if...
I've never been a fan of the draft generally, but as long as we're going to have it, I have no problem with women being included.
I would recommend watching it but agree with GatorRade overall. Strong first half or so and a lot to like but my expectations were probably a...
The jury had a difficult job, and I respect their decision, particularly given that only one of two people involved was alive to tell his side....