I'm excited for Twisters, which comes out Friday. I love the original so much that I've been very nervous about this one even coming close....
IMO, one key rationale for Biden's initial campaign (and keeping him in for 2024) was the belief that Trump would self destruct. Trump essentially...
I believe this is an accurate quote. It would have made sense if he stuck to talking about people getting divorced just because they're unhappy....
I don't think it was "random" but think it's too early to know whether it was political.
The lawfare keeps coming. Sen. Bob Menendez found guilty on all counts in federal corruption trial Sen. Bob Menendez was found guilty on all...
That definitely happens, and I don't think a legislative fix is easy because every case is unique, and there are strong cases on both sides. Given...
I haven't read the Order in full yet but did note where Cannon wrote on page 1 that, "[t]he effect of this Order is confined to this proceeding."...
I read earlier that Trump said his VP pick was going to be someone the media/people were not talking about. Given that everyone has been talking...
I think Fox News now has up the same headline I thought I saw earlier. Maybe I'm not going crazy and they had released the info a little bit...
Think I read that Penn law allows open carry of rifles. Not sure how typical it might be for people to walk around with them in that area. At the...
I see that now. The headline I saw (or thought I saw) specifically mentioned Vance.
Fox News site saying it's Vance. Edit: Either they changed the headline right after I saw it or I completely misread it.
I've been thinking it will be Vance, although perhaps a slightly risky pick given the things Vance previously said about Trump.
So I guess you're a Trump supporter who thinks 2020 election was stolen? Do you think the polls giving Biden the edge in 2020 were faked? If you...
No doubt they have reason to be optimistic right now. However, that confidence only makes rational sense to me if they believe the polling data...
Not sure what he may run for next, but he already used the pitch about the free state of Florida during his presidential campaign.
Despite how many Trump supporters reportedly believe Democrats stole the 2020 election (while Trump was still in office, no less), they are happy...
Where is the "Lie about the results and promote a fake slate of electors" option?
Maybe true freedom requires incarcerating people for smoking a plant that some others don't like the smell of.
Are you talking about the Satanists who you called trolls or the non-troll group? Either way, couldn't your posts be seen as mocking and insulting...