Newsom is a governor. This is a national story for about a day. If it makes you feel better Newsom is getting pilloried in California, as he...
Fun Fact: Orange Man really is bad.
Worldometer - 180,026 today. Whoa.
Worldometer is reporting 101,044 new cases in the US today. Someone was looking for bets that we would never reach 100,000 new cases in a day,...
So of these people committing suicide, what is the evidence that it is a “lockdown” causing the stress? There is a worldwide pandemic underway....
It is just astounding that Trump lies so often about a pandemic that has killed so many. He lied again last night. Trump is a lying liar who...
Trump, during last night's debate: Today's Wall Street Journal: He continues to lie to the American people. Without shame.
And ridiculing mask wearers and the disease control specialists at the CDC. We are crossing new frontiers of stupid.
Here’s another vote of no confidence for Trump’s handling of the pandemic. Over 1,000 current and former CDC officers condemn COVID-19 response....
Hey, that’s only 0.23 deaths per county!
Let's be fair here. The chances of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy ever saying the words "the president is wrong" is zero or less.
“I’m in charge, but I’m too incompetent to run my administration. Also, nothing is my fault.” [MEDIA]
The gang that couldn't shoot straight still can't shoot straight. [MEDIA]
So that explains his high approval rating. Makes perfect sense.
Why is it funny? A governor doing a good job? The people he works for think he is. This was the end of May. "Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s...
The REPUBLICAN Governor of Maryland wrote an article for the Washington Post about the administration's response and it is a sorry picture of...
Where did I say he called the virus a hoax? I didn’t. Trump’s poor performance during this crisis cannot be fixed by spinning after the fact. He...
Here we are talking about Fauci just as the White House wants. Yet it is Trump who intentionally misinformed Americans about the spread; did...
He slipped away too soon.
Yes! Sadly, he was a Gros Michel banana and succumbed to the banana plague.