Trump’s America. [IMG]
Fascinating that the Secretary of Defense agreed to call out the DC National Guard after speaking with Pence, Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer—but not...
Thanks. I stand corrected. Good for him.
Pence say anything? His silence speaks volumes.
They seem nice.
Imagine that Steve King and Louis Gohmert, armed with an unlimited supply of Red Bull, debate the entire National Academy of Sciences continuously...
I went to my GP on Wednesday and my resting heart rate was 60, as usual. Does that count as a near-death experience?
Just grandstanding on behalf of President Tough Guy. The FDA people were working as fast as the could.
People who understand science and facts do. Also: math. People interested in pushing politically driven narratives in the face of a pandemic...
So much winning. So much incompetence. [IMG]
Not Very Fun Fact: The states with the highest number of total Covid cases, adjusted for population, are in descending order North Dakota, South...
Ferrets yes, but no minks. Minks are creepy and turn into diseased furry little zombies.
I know. I was one of the morons tracking tail numbers.
So a thread about a worldwide pandemic that has killed a million people is getting close to the Chip Kelly thread? Good thing Scott Stricklin had...
Placeholder so I can stay on page 1,000 until I think of something to write.
Let’s check in. Worldometer Covid-19 deaths per million population, Sweden and its neighbors, as of today: Sweden. 689 Denmark 147 Norway...
We crossed the 9-11 threshold for deaths, the 100,000 hospitalized threshold, and the 200,000 daily deaths threshold. Meanwhile, the leader of...
Nine months ago today the guy who lied to you about the election being stolen lied to you that COVID-19 cases were only a few days away from zero....
I didn’t think they cared that a member of the president’s coronavirus task force was spewing garbage and undermining the government’s messaging....