What I meant was are the two mutually exclusive?
So if you're not a "modern sensitive male soul," then you are a "fascist of yore?" Jebus.
The YT channel now says it starts in 5 minutes.
YT live feed says presser at 2:15 today. What is the usual Monday time?
Holy smoke. Some GC posters must eat spoonfuls of salt for breakfast.
Haha. Not Burger King and not linkable.
Haha. We don't out sources here at GC.
I know. Not from Twitter.
Dang dude. I would never pull anyone's leg over something like that. And source wouldn't have flippantly said it.
Per source: Gators have a new head ball coach.
Yeah I'm getting word here.
The latest from a trusted source confirms others' reports: UF took a flight to see Kelly today. Contract is in his hands. That's all I have. Sorry.
We have UF sources here, not UCLA sources.
I probably don't have to tell you this, but that is exactly what this thread is for and you should completely ignore the haters. Put them on the...
This is pure speculation but this UCLA thing doesn't help. They are doubtlessly going to make a hard push for him now.
These are clickbait hoes. I don't trust them. I legitimately believe they would just make up stuff. Trust more in Tilly, BTG, and others who...
Ok agreed on that one for sure.
I've never appreciated the hilarity of that play. To me all I saw was a great defensive lineman Wilfork blowing up an offensive lineman back into...