Wow, poor teachers; hope they have some quality masks and safety measures in place, because that looks like a disaster waiting to happen.
I'd agree that it was, as was any mass gathering, including rallies (now proven); and somehow we still have these known spreading events all over...
Yes, the mask mandate is only one part or facet of a successful plan; we should and could be doing so much more.
Private school attended by Barron Trump prohibited from in-person learning until October as President pushes openings - CNNPolitics
What are you talking about? 12-20 kids in small rooms would describe every classroom I've ever been in until college, and even then you wouldn't...
3 days in a row with record deaths for Florida.
The thing is, you're talking about banning things permanently; none of these restrictions or measures is permanent... all we have to do is quit...
Dueling death rates sounds like an awful game you don't want to win.
Yes, but all those risks are made possible by the rider; he can avoid them all by not getting on the bike in the 1st place.
How so?
I'm guessing there was political pressure from powerful businesses, which also carry ample influence; all the businesses in California aren't...
Trump touting his witch-doctor... and then taking his ball and going home. [MEDIA]
Has this already been posted? Contact Tracing during Coronavirus Disease Outbreak, South Korea, 2020
Look a few posts up.
What I'm pointing out is that the father and daughter don't even really know who gave it to who.
Because a. That's a misrepresentation of what they said, especially the caveat that the spread has to come down dramatically before schools can...
Trump's security adviser tests positive for Covid-19 By Kaitlan Collins, Kevin Liptak and Betsy Klein, CNN Updated 1:39 PM ET, Mon July 27, 2020...
Too bad they can't choose either/or; they get to deal with both simultaneously... I wouldn't leave the house if I somehow got stuck up there.
UGH! So now we're doing over 1000 deaths and 75,000 new cases/day? How on Earth can anyone possibly conclude that we have a handle on this? I...
You have to consider cases because even mild ones require at least SOME kind of treatment, testing, etc. that tax the system; not to mention, even...