Whole team is in a slump. What a time to stop hitting.
Just a few. There are many more. Biden refers to Maryland’s first black governor as ‘boy’ in speech Biden calls Black adviser 'boy' during...
Over the years Joe Biden has many times referred to grown black men as "boy." Why does he do that? I don't think I've seen Trump do that. Weird.
Biden and his ceiling shattering spokesperson made it clear today that Joe wants the less educated and poorer Americans to pay the bills of the...
Well if he is a mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a story-book, man. Why...
I live in the woods between Dade City and Brooksville and we have Panthers here. There is a pair everyone around here has seen for years. 2...
Nobody and I mean nobody spreads more disinformation on here than you do. Three fingers pointing right back at you.
Actually when a lot of that was going on leading up to the 2016 election he won. But they continued the harassment based on a phony narrative....
A lot of people on this board don't care that this was made up and used to harass Trump, his family, staff etc. They listened in on their phone...
99% of American small businesses get money from shady foreign actors even though they don't provide a good or service and constantly have multiple...
Yep plenty of access to that information on line if you are indeed curious. Also there is video of the press conference yesterday where it was...
A web of 20 LLC's 9 family members receiving income including ex-wives and children No goods or services exchanged 170+ Suspicious Activity...
Thus the words " among others."
Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters among others buying and selling stocks impacted by legislation they vote on and not a peep out of the...
I was fortunate to be able to attend the game tonight what a great atmosphere. It was apparent early on the refs were going to swallow their...
LOL when was the last time "Canada" won a cup what 30 years ago? Not going to win it this year either.
Go Bolts! Heart of a Champion. Back to Tampa now for Game 6!
Yep and no penalty on Toronto, they ended up with Power Play. And the guy who delivered the cheap shot and originally sent off the ice scores the...
Hey they were strong on diversity, equity, inclusion and the environment so no worries. Banking, no time for that. The whole company went on a...
Ahhh-hoooo! [ATTACH]