And the Mets draft Sproat again. (Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.) He could, technically, come back. And maybe...
A lot of happy Gator/Braves fans & members of the Waldrep clan tonight as he stays close to home. He should be up in AA Mississippi real soon......
20 - Arjun Nimmala to the Blue Jays. 'Nole recruit. Interesting prospect -- best Indian-American prospect in history [South Asia Indian, not...
Echevarria, Abner, and Austin being out-of-state & on the "maybe stay, maybe go" list puts a lot of pressure on Sully/etc. in planning on how to...
I'm a Twins fan. I'd love to have Wyatt drop to #5, but have largely given up all hope. I'll congratulate our boy for going #1, stay silent on #3...
[MEDIA] And she's getting thread bare, and she's wearin' thin But she's in good shape, for the shape she's in Cause she's been through the fire...
Sloan got hit in the head with a comebacker late in his HS career & Coppola has had shoulder injuries. Very tall pitchers and shoulder injuries...
If one parks in the lot North of Fifield: the difference between an efficient "walked to my car, got in, turned it on, on my way!" -- off campus...
The best I've found is through Baseball Reference. The 2023 Gators are listed on: 2023 Florida Gators Statistics | If you...
Here's the original plans for Condron. Florida Gators Make Case for New Ballpark | Ballpark Digest Some differences: - Version 1 had a bigger...
Prevesk to UCF. Not at all surprising.
Just about every pitcher does better against not-SEC than SEC, because best conference in the country, but it's rather striking for Fisher,...
STH would eventually (likely, quickly) learn not to get up during the feeding frenzy. I'm a current STH and, usually go to games alone, and as it...
Agreed on the last sentence. "Between-batter, unless on the aisle" is a pretty consistent north (or even near) the Mason-Dixon Line thing. For a...
TL;DR (too long, didn't read -- which is like BLUF [Bottom Line Up Front] for military folks]): what do you think is wrong with Condron, what...
As Jack Buck said about 22 years ago... we'll see you... tomorrow night!
Oof.. another 18 or so of those and we might have ourselves a ballgame...
24-3! And we'll put a boot in your ass, it's the Gators way.. brought to you courtesy.. of the orange and blue!
20-3! Boom-a-shaka-laka!
If only high-A were still in Ft. Myers and AA in Pensacola...