Bold opinion: I want them to start Skenes tomorrow. Do you remember the last time the Gators faced the best pitcher in the MLB draft? Was 2018,...
Crews will stay at CF. Langford... maybe? Tigers pick at 3 and their CF is pretty big. A marginally-acceptable CF won't do there. (I'm biased, I'm...
A steal up 12? Old school would give some gator a ball in the ear tomorrow night...
NO MERCY! Keep it up, boys! I'm sure LSU would rather just forfeit tonight and play tomorrow night, but let's burn their bullpen as much as possible.
Nice hustle, Cade! No quit on this team!
Grab some pine, meat! 9 outs left!
Need 12 outs before the Cajun C... four-letter-word that would get me immediately banned... score 10 runs. It ain't over, but I like our boys'...
Really, ESPN, a commercial break? You sure you don't want to talk about Skenes some more?
Love that they're playing BT's usual walkup. Or maybe Omaha just loves Miley. And, base knock BT! WTG!
Hail Rack'em'and'stack'em (the god of the middle infielder)!. 2 outs.
Way to hustle Wyatt!
Tommy EPICFAIL! 6-4-3!
OK, Hurston, you've done a great job of demonstrating your Nuke LaLoosh impression... get a few more of these a'holes out, would you please?
Earl (and the SS) loads 'em up!
BOOOOO! (I'm just booing Wes Johnson, not what he does, just who he is, 'cause I think he's a horrible human being...)