Good Lord... The 'perfect incubator' I referred to, would be this magnificent little pebble we all ride round and round about the sun, not your...
Just a quick hypothetical--what's more egregious: rowdy citizens protesting dubious election results that were cast in a sus haze of crooked...
They may not testify to the 'God of Abraham', but they hardly rule Him out either. Though with a modicum of deductive reasoning, it absolutely...
The proverbial primordial soup... Where all the pieces in the perfect incubator just happened to manifest, then proceed to do what they were...
Yeah, you mentioned the famous theory (Big Bang) authored by a Catholic priest and physicist. Your application of it, is what's flawed. Here's...
Awwww.... "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out..." Somehow I don't recall you speaking out, back when a particular mod...
Makes me sound like I'm calling science guy out for not being able to make his own case with science, while pretending to discredit the other guy...
Btw, Mr Science guy--i noticed you veered away from actual science and evidence. Looks like your religion--whos deity is nothing dumb...
Yes, God is omnipotent, and can utter things into being. That's why I proudly declare my allegiance to him. Your god--literally...
I guess this little nugget was lost on your brilliance: God =/= nothing.
Ok Mr. Science guy... show us the evidence that everything could possibly come from nothing... and that life and intelligence could come about...
Lol! Again with the ridiculous notion that I'm angry. Again, just bc my posts come laced with some spice and may even sting from time to time,...
A critical person--as billions before you and actually have--might also consider the abject absurdity of such marvelous complexity as life having...
Damn. Trump kicking all those illegals out is wreaking havoc at the pump, just like the dems said it would! :eek::eek::eek: :monkey:
^^^lol! As i got my mild correction of an extremely partisan mod deleted... Ima take it like a big boy, zakly as I prescribed...
I'm aware you disagree, and whatever you want to make of any other actual religion, it doesn't change the fact that your religion is shared by...
C'mon... you're actually bitching about being corrected for referring to cops as P's? Take your mild correction and move on like a big boy.
Complete bullshit. Laziest, easiest thing in the world to believe in, is nothing, that we came about by incredibly convenient happenstance, that...
Lol! Loser used AI on you???? the link where you called him out. That should be fun reading.
It's Doh! Get it right. And the only place for that clown is ignore.