Where was your righteous indignation over Doh! Biden not releasing the Epstein files? He had 4 years. Trump has had like 5 days.
Well there's the science that recognizes that Covid exists, and the science that says viruses exist, and the science that determined that a lot of...
/s/ guy who denies all science and evidence, but demands scientific evidence for anything he finds disagreeable.
Of course you do. No one ever said anything about a magic bat shitting on a wet market....we all just some how absorbed the same story from some...
Jesus and the Apostles were celebrating the Passover at the Last Supper, but Jesus deviated substantially from the Passover tradition in...
Lol(oser) doh! Debate: Billy Carson vs. Christian Wes Huff on Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity
Blah blah blah whatever bro... Address the main point i challenged you with: what did the Chicoms cover up with their magic bat joke, and why, if...
Exactly. I'm trembling in my boots at the prospect of increased coffee imports from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua...local/...
I hope not, but even if he does, I'm pretty sure we'll be able to identify what we got for the spending. eg--last time, it was the Covid fueled...
^^^ and 20 million unvetted Illegal immigrants comprising all kinds of gang bangers, terrorists, rapists, murderers, drug mules, fenty, on and on...
What did Doh! Biden have, besides pissing 9 Trillion Dollars away on not a damn thing?
Colombia finna bring us to our knees...bc only Colombia makes coffee... :ninja3:
I guess you didn't have the pleasure of knowing anyone who was leveled by this figment of the imagination? (I know several). Or who died from...
Damn, sure can't get nothing passed the CIA. I mean...dayuummm!!! :monkey:
They were all in their 80's when they got it, except for an aunt, who got it in her mid 60's and was tortured with it for almost 15 years. Hence...
Dr. Alzheimer is practically family, having taken out 5 of my rely's, and actively working over #6. I aim to die b4 my "twilight years" (though...
Nah. 2 complete records stacked side by side. The messaging was secondary to memory/experience. TBL, deny as you will, > $1 BILLION campaign...
Lol! Nah..just reminding yall of the sundry reasons that yall lost, and....THAT yall lost. Judging from the post election posting on here, seems...