1. I'm not pissed. 2. Yall are bitching about what not-yet POTUS Trump *said*, while giving current POTUS and Cali govr a pass for THEIR...
This thread exists to ATTACK THE PRES ELECT and avoid responsibility for the failed Leftisr policies, not to drum up sympathy for the fire vics.
By pointing out truth. Here's another truth: ***DOH! BIDEN IS STILL POTUS*** ... and y'all are whining about what Trump said, rather than...
And Lol. Baited breath...3 mins later... Sucks when your libby bubble gets popped, don't it?
How old do you have to be to even get that one? I'm thinking right on the cusp of Boomer and X... :D:p:D
Trump just trolling... Keeping the media distracted while he goes over a myriad of nuclear EO's he's going to deploy on January 21st.
^^^btw, did y'all catch the "still" there? WH *STILL* occupied by a dude too senile to run for POTUS. :eek:
Scott is only a senator, Doh! Biden is POTUS. Aging's comparison doesn't really hold. He shoulda gone with "Orange man", "Orange god", "fatass",...
What am I seeing here??? Looks like a world class beat down. Of the "#1" team.
It's called an analogy, and it seemed to fit like a glove to what the actual New Yorkers cited the the article, described--just aimed at suburbanites.
TDS inhibits sense of humor. It's a well known symptom. :monkey:
J6. Dummyrat holiday. It's "the Feast of the Epiphany" to a lot more ppl than it is noteworthy day to the TDS afflicted as "the day [they]...
Neither could the Democrats. :cool:
It was damn near contemporaneous. As was the second article I just posted. Clinton went kicking and screaming with his nuts in a vice, to a...
More Clinton is quoted by sources as telling the GOP leaders, "You may not believe this, but I'm willing to lose this seat rather than take a...
Nope. Again. Let us establish one point definitively: Bill Clinton didn’t balance the budget. Yes, he was there when it happened. But the...